I press a life reset button for you today
— Brahminy Snake


⥉ Spirit Guide. Animal Totem ⥉

“I am the highest caste. I am the high priestess

Today initiates a reset of energy in your life. Just like a reset button on your computer I am here to press reset button for your life.

What does this mean? It’s for you to figure out. 

Why does a computer need reset once in a while? It has been running whole bunch of programs on the background. There’s whole bunch of data that is being continuously processed at any given point of time. And it goes on and on and on and on. You have loaded yourself to the max. It’s time to just turn it all off. Everything. All of it. At once. It’s all going to be there. It’s all still going to be there, but after this reset you can actually choose what you bring back and reactivate

Everyone wants a piece of you. All the time. In the reset is your time to figure out what do YOU want? What do YOU actually desire? Right now in your life, the most, above all else. What is the most important desire in your life and how can you take a small piece of that desire and start to manifest that as fast as starting tomorrow?

This is an immediate reset. The results will be immediate. If your desire is massive then let’s just take a tiny part of it that you know you absolutely CAN have, live, become, embody and be tomorrow. What would be the action step, activity, time like? Make this a priority above ALL else. Literally. Put this at the TOP of your list.

Realize the only reason you are not living this desire yet is because this entire time you have kept it on the bottom of your list. You can’t live something you are not invested into. Let’s start investing time and energy into your most important desire. Your desire is the most beautiful, most amazing, most miraculous thing in the world, is what gets you up in the morning from sleep, is what moves your body, is what gives you breath and life on Earth in the first place. And embodying and living your desire is the most magnificent earthly experience you can have. So let’s transmute your desires from “wanting” state of consciousness to “being” and “having” state of consciousness. Do you understand what I am saying? You have that power. Now. In this reset. Are you ready? I am pressing the button. 

There’s a special time of the day that is the time of a Brahmin, the time that I rule over. The time when Dharma which is your truth meets Artha which is your value meets Kama which is your desire meets Moksha which is your liberation. Wake up during this time and do spiritual practice with me. 

This time has potent type of air like no other. The brahmini air, I call it Kí Breeze. 

Wake up with me for Kí Breeze and everything will balance itself and harmonize itself in your life accordingly based on this alignment that I described above. You will flourish, your life will prosper, the desires shall be fulfilled and you will be healed inside out, on all levels. 

Don’t ask any questions, just wake up tomorrow and do it with me. I will show you. ”

Indotyphlops Braminus, Brahminy Snake

& Milana May, The Metashaman

1:37 pm CST. Mar 14, 2023

San Bruno, Mexico